HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 2015
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Highest Prestige of Jewellery Design Competitions --
“Champion of the Champions”
International Jewellery Design Excellence Award 2015
About IJDE Award |
To honour creative and outstanding jewellery designers from all over the world, the IJDE Award provides a platform for international jewellery designers to exchange experience and compete for the highest honour— "Champion of the Champions". In 2013, this biennial event attracted 187 champions of world’s leading jewellery design competitions from 28 countries and regions. |
Who can join? |
Jewellery designers who have won the championship of jewellery design competitions whose result was/will be officially announced between 21 November 2012 and 20 September 2014 are eligible for participation. All entries must be human-wearable and contain precious metal or stone comprising gold, platinum, silver, diamond, pearl, gemstone or semi-gemstone.
Judging Criteria |
Judging Criteria include Innovation, Craftsmanship, Aesthetics, Wearability and Functionability.
Prizes |
Prizes include Champion of the Champions Award (1), Aesthetic Award (1), Craftsmanship Award (1), Innovative and Uniqueness in Design Award (1), Distinction Awards (4) and Merit Awards (4).
Winners will be provided sponsorship to attend the award presentation ceremony which will be held during the HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 2015 in March 2015 in Hong Kong.
Media Exposure |
The winning designs will be publicised worldwide:
- Winning pieces will be featured and showcased at the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 2015, the fastest growing show in Asia of its kind that attracted over 40,000 international trade buyers each year.
- Booklets featuring the winning pieces will be distributed at the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show, jewellery trade fairs, jewellery trade associations and media around the world.
- Coverage in Organiser's and Co-organisers' publications.
Application Details |
Online Application until 28 September 2014.
Please visit the dedicated webpage for IJDE 2015
(http://hkjewellery.hktdc.com/ex/IJDE2015/en/index.html )
Enquiries |
E-mail: exhibitions@hktdc.org Tel: (852) 1830 668
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